Marketing Executive Shares Practical Content Agency Tips & Advice
Subha is the Content Executive at Rainkraft, a film Content Agency . They got into the features last Christmas for their endeavors in bringing the NHS ensemble to such prominence that they beat Justin Bieber for the spot of Christmas number one on the singles diagram! They have worked with many forefront design marks and have additionally made a ton of keen intuitive substance for Manchester University and had a significant influence in getting the foundation known as The Home of Graphene. Subha who right now works in Bengaluru, India, has a Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing from The IDM (Level Six). Furthermore, she composes for the Rainkraft blog and is likewise an artistic work picture taker and entrepreneur. What does your everyday schedule comprise of? I typically wake up at about 6:30 most days and I start my day with some green tea to get myself wide alert. I make a trip via train to fill in as I live in a country town. The exact opposite thing I d...